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Minicar (Mark A) - January 1949 to April 1951

1949 March 3rd Motor Cycling - P1cv5crop.jpg

January 1949

​The 2/3-seater Tourer Minicar was introduced. It had an aluminium, stressed skin body fitted with a Perspex® windscreen. The single front wheel was driven by a Villiers 10D, 122 c.c. air-cooled engine and a 3-speed direct change gearbox (no reverse). Steering was by a cable and bobbin arrangement whilst starting was achieved by means of a handle mounted under the dash panel and connected by cable to a modified kick-starter on the engine.

​There were trailing link front forks, rigid mounted rear wheels and a cable and rod system that operated the rear brakes only. A 2½ gallon petrol tank was fitted, along with 6-volt rectified lighting, a manually operated windscreen wiper and the tyres were ‘Goodyear’ low pressure 16" x 4" [4.00 x 8 in modern terminology] interchangeable all round. Front lighting was by two external head and side lamps of 12-watt / 3-watt capacity mounted on either side of the body. Rear lighting was by a centrally mounted tail lamp having a 3-watt / 3-watt double filament bulb.

1949 (early) Mark A - publicity picture crop v2a_edited_edited.jpg
1949 (early) Mark A handbook - P10a3a.jpg

December 1949

The Deluxe Tourer was introduced. Identical to the Villiers 10D, 122 c.c. model but with the Villiers 6E, 197 c.c. engine, a new dash-mounted aluminium steering boss incorporating a marked gear quadrant, a floor - mounted starting handle, an engine mixture control integral with the Villiers 4/5 carburettor, a right-hand exterior mounted driving mirror and a spare wheel. A Lucas electric windscreen wiper was fitted, which could also be specified at extra cost for the non-Deluxe Tourer.

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1950 March 2nd Motor Cycling - p371c.jpg
1950 October Mark A - P2 crop 4.jpg

October 1950

An improved Deluxe Tourer was introduced. A rack and pinion steering box replaced the cable and bobbin system for all models. New colours of pearl grey polychromatic and ivory were offered and beige leathercloth was added to the colours used for the seats.

Chassis Number Range: A/1/1 to C/4/1973
Total Minicar (Mark A) Production = 1,973


In memory of:

John Woods:    Production Manager at Bond Cars Ltd. - a good friend and a real Gentleman
Doug Ferreira:  A keen Bond adventurer, Company sales representative and rally organiser.
Col. Reg Gray:  M.D. of Sharp's Commercials, without whom there would have been no Bond cars.
Alan Pounder:  Chief Design and Development Engineer at Sharp's Commercials and Bond Cars Ltd.


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