875 - August 1965 to February 1970

875 - August 1965 to February 1970

875 - August 1965 to February 1970
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.

Bond Owners' Club
The club catering for all enthusiasts of Bond vehicles
September 1957
P1 Scooter production started ready for launch in January 1958. It had an all-welded tubular frame of 2½" and 1¼" dia. tubes. Bodywork was glass fibre with a lockable container behind the steering head and detachable rear side panels for maintenance.

1958 - 1959 P1 and P2 Scooter

The engine was the Villiers 31C, 148 cc with a 3 speed foot change gearbox, fan cooling and a 12 volt Siba Dynastart electric starter. Suspension on the front leading arm and rear trailing arm was by Armstrong coil spring units, hydraulically damped. Rear chain adjustment was carried out by means of an eccentric spindle through the rear trailing arm. Wheels were 10" on 4" section tyres with 5" brakes. A dual seat, hinged on the right hand side, revealed the fuel filler cap to the 2¼ gallon glass fibre fuel tank.
Overall length 7' 8", width 2' 4", saddle height 2' 4" and ground clearance 5½". The Wheelbase was 4' 4" and the weight 262 lb. Colours available: Two-tone Blue, Green and Fawn or Maroon and Fawn. Optional extras included a windscreen, spare wheel and tyre, luggage carrier and a waterproof cover.
June 1958
The P2 Scooter was introduced. Identical to the P1 except that it used the Villiers 9E/4S, 197 cc engine with a 4 speed foot change gearbox, fan cooling and a Siba Dynastart. The weight increased to 272 lb.